转载请注明:牛哥678 » vim: let g:variable(global-variable),let b:variable(buffer-variable,Local to the current buffer.),let l:variable(local-variable,Local to a function.)
vim: let g:variable(global-variable),let b:variable(buffer-variable,Local to the current buffer.),let l:variable(local-variable,Local to a function.)
- Vim 8.1 打开javascript 文件卡死
- vim: rename files
- vim: marks
- vimium:翻页
- vimium: 切换latest tab
- vim:Plug ‘tpope/vim-repeat’
- vim: 上一次编辑的位置
- AceAction: 暂时禁用f
- todo:
(fzf-maps-n) 用来熟悉vimrc里的各种mapping - fzf: Mappings
- ideavimrc: Bookmark导航
- spacemacs: 不能粘贴到系统粘贴板clipboard 2
- vim: plugin ‘scrooloose/nerdcommenter’
- ideavimrc: nnoremap s; :
action CloseActiveTab - vim:分屏
- .ideavimrc: nnoremap gd :
action GotoDeclaration “跟gh搭配很好用 - .ideavimrc: nnoremap gb :
action JumpToLastChange - vim:window窗口
- vim: easymotion
- ctags101: Generate tag files for source code
- ctags: set tags=./tags,tags;
- vim: Plug ‘ybian/smartim’
- vim: Plug ‘mg979/vim-visual-multi’, {‘branch’: ‘master’}
- vim: nerdtree101
- vim: nerdtree
- 一个诡异的statusline展示的问题:airline插件和fugitive插件
- vim register1: 星号和加号寄存器
- vim: Plug ‘vim-airline/vim-airline’
- vim: Plug ‘neoclide/coc.nvim’, {‘branch’: ‘release’}
- vim: 复制(不带换行符)
- vim: bufdo
- vim: Plug ‘tpope/vim-fugitive’
- vim: 快捷键拷贝当前路径
- set synmaxcol=600
- vim: set scrolloff=3
- vim: autoindent and smartindent
- vim: set shiftround
- vim: filetype plugin indent on
- vim: 逗号作为leader,行内反向查找需要重新映射
- vim: tab切换使用leader键
- vim: hlsearch
- vim: ignorecase and smartcase
- vim: incsearch
- vim: 相对行号
- vim: solarized
- vim: colorcolumn
- vim: termguicolors
- vim: tabstop, shiftwidth, softtabstop and expandtab
- vim: syntax 语法高亮
- vimrc: laixintao
- vim: gui settings
- vim: cursorline and nocursorline
- vim: timeoutlen and ttimeoutlen
- nnoremap=no recursion map
- vim, toggling 打开关闭quickfix窗口
- :set :let区别
- vim-plugin: 907th/vim-auto-save(自动保存)
- vim-plugin: junegunn/vim-plug(插件管理器)
- vim-plugin: ruanyl/vim-gh-line(打开GitHub页面)(V2: 使用call plug#begin())
- vim-plugin: ruanyl/vim-gh-line(打开GitHub页面)
- vim如何验证autocmd事件有没有被成功触发