At first I couldn't perceive what he meant.起先我不理解他说的意思.
We can perceive his sorrow by the looks on his face.我们从他的表情中察觉出悲伤.
I can't perceie any difference between these coins.我不能察觉出这些硬币的区别.
conceive,[kənˈsi:v] ,怀孕,构思,receive,收到,deceive欺诈。
that’s how it’s perceived for sure.肯定是这样看待的.
that's the way the students perceive it,学生们就是这么看的。
abstained from the vote弃权票。
stain,[stein],沾染, 染污。train,[treɪn],火车。
3、rhetoric,['retәrik],修辞, 修辞学,浮夸之词。
far right rhetoric,煽动性语言。
whether it be anti-police rhetoric,是否是反警察言论。
in his own rhetoric,用他自己的话说。
It's the same rhetoric,这是同样的修辞学。
4、 fathom,[ˈfæðəm],彻底了解,弄清,理解,That would be a hard coincidence to fathom. 那将是一个很难理解的巧合。
how obscenely expensive housing has gotten多么昂贵的住房。
obscene books,淫秽书籍。
6、rebuke,[rɪˈbjuːk],n/v. 指责,斥责。
sharp rebuke,尖锐的指责,厉声斥责。
He received a stern rebuke from his superior. 他收到上司的严厉斥责。
stern,[stә:n],名词,船尾, 臀。adj,严厉的,苛刻的。
7、utter,['ʌtә],形容词,全然的, 绝对的, 完全的。动词,发出声音,说。
it is my honor to utter the four most powerful words.
8、parental,[pә'rentәl],父母的。parental consent父母同意。
9、endorse,[ɪnˈdɔ:s],支持, 赞同, 背书于。
endorse this provision,认可这项规定。provision,[prəˈvɪʒn],规定,条款,供应品,生活物质。
endorse candidates,认可候选人。
10、ideology,[.aidi'ɒlәdʒi],n. 意识形态,思想体系.
Joe Biden says Trump ideology(特朗普意识形态) threatens US democracy.
"Maga(make america great again) forces are determined to take this country backwards," he said in a primetime(黄金时段) speech in Pennsylvania.
gender ideology,性别意识形态。
转载请注明:牛哥678 » 几个表示察觉的词:perceive,conscious of,aware of,conceive,receive,deceive